Daily stress and busy schedules make us increasingly reach for junk food and leave physical training in the background. The sedentary lifestyle is actually one of the main causes of obesity in the world. But even people that are not suffering from being overweight admit that they are out of shape. They often say that the lack of free time is the reason not to practise any sports or visit the gym. However, we all know that the real reason is to be searched somewhere else because a 30-min run every day is more than enough to totally change your body and tone.
Build Training Attitude
The real change starts with the attitude. You need to show mental strength before achieving a physical one! Think of a target and be determined to achieve it, then put another one and repeat. Persistence is the key to success, even if you spend less than an hour a day. Although many commercials convince the audience that you can train at home, it’s better to exit your comfort zone and start visiting the local park, track, or gym. Create a routine that is easy to follow, and make this the most healthy and fun task of your daily schedule.
Start Running or Cycling
The easiest way to start training is by visiting the fitness gym nearby. However, workouts there could be really exhausting, especially if you want fast results. Many people will give up long before they actually achieve some. Running and cycling, on the other hand, are more accessible and have a relaxing effect. Both will have an excellent impact on your full-body muscles and will teach you persistence and self-discipline.
The New York Times and other reputable media often publish materials about the undoubted benefits of outdoor sports. If you live outside the city, you can enjoy the surrounding nature and breathe fresh air. By cycling or simply running for a few months, you’ll also prepare your body for harder exercises that can be performed in the gym. Keep in mind that people out of shape are a lot more predisposed to get injuries when working out with weights.
Visit the Gym Regularly
For people who have decided to get rid of excess fat and build muscle mass, fitness becomes mandatory at some point. Luckily, such facilities are widespread nowadays, and in many of them, you can hire a personal trainer. It could be costly, but it’s a good investment for the first couple of months. This is how the gym workouts can be useful:
- Help you to maintain weight loss by exercising with controlled weights
- You can focus on particular muscle groups and allow the others to rest
- Keep your mood and energy levels high
- Exhausting workouts lead to better sleep
- Improve libido and sexual health
- Boost your social life and contacts
- Help you stop bad habits, like smoking and alcohol drinking
- Sharpen your senses and improve your mental health
- Regular physical activities increase vitality
- It’s a good way to fight depression, stress, and various diseases.
The most important element of training in the gym is to never give up. This is an area where a personal coach could be quite useful. Even if you find the exercises too heavy, it’s better to change your program than to quit. This will help you in life, too, making you a winner and a person who always achieves its goals!
Diet is Essential
If you need faster results, you should add to your program a suitable diet according to your current physical conditions and health. Avoiding fast foods is not enough, and many people use the services of professional nutritionists, fitness instructors, and even doctors. The regime aims to increase metabolism but also to supply a sufficient amount of useful minerals, elements and vitamins to your body. An essential thing to remember is that the muscles are the easiest tissue that your body can use to feed. So, if you switch to training mode, you should never leave your body hungry!
Here are some more tips approved by professional athletes and bodybuilders:
- Rich and Hearty Breakfast – this meal is essential for building muscle mass
- Regular Meals – bodybuilders eat every three hours because frequent meals help boost your metabolism
- Choose Wisely Your Food – proteins are important; carbs are good only after a workout; fruits and vegetables are a must; eat healthy fats;
- Drink Water – during the whole day and as much as you can because water cleans your body and helps you build muscle mass faster
Avoid Junk Food and Alcohol
According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the toxic food environment we live in is the main reason for obesity. Following this thought, by improving our eating habits, we can minimise the effects of stress and too little exercise. It doesn’t sound much, but it’s, in fact, almost the whole solution of the task. By giving up junk food, we show the will and strength of the spirit, through which we can achieve everything else discussed so far in the article.
The same applies for the same goes for excessive alcohol consumption! There are studies showing that a glass of wine or a couple of beers could be good for your heart and intestinal system. But more than that will reverse the effect and return to the laziness you are trying to cure in the first place. To conclude, the only real barrier in front of the desired iron muscles and vitality is actually you!