Running among all known sports is the most аccessible way to raise our tonus and stay fit. You can run in the neighbourhood, in the park or forest, and of course, on the track if there is a similar facility nearby. The benefits of daily sports are many, and in general, there is not a single proven negative effect. On the contrary, science has confirmed that a certain type of physical activity actually has an extremely positive effect on the entire human body. Running, in all of its forms, is one of them and that is the focus of this article!
Health Benefits
We all know the benefits of running, but when reputable science research centres, like the US National Library of Medicine, step in, things get serious. These institutes measure the impact of sports activities on various systems in the human body. And here are some of the most significant benefits you can feel after only a couple of running sessions:
- Bone Density – It is a little known fact that running increases the density of the bones in the lower part of your body. The stress caused by the high impact makes your body adapt to the new environment, adding additional layers of minerals and increasing tendon density. It’s strange because there are numerous studies proving this thesis, but none of them reaches the general public;
- Muscular Strength – It is never easy to build strong and durable muscles, but running is one of the most effective methods for achieving that goal. If practised properly, this sport puts a strain on the whole body, including the legs and upper body. However, to build such muscles, you need also to eat properly;
- Blood Pressure & Cholesterol – lowering these health markers happen almost immediately after your body adapts and switches to training mode. Frequent and intense exercise is the best way for your body to fight free radicals and lower cholesterol levels;
- Blood Sugar – Running is also an effective method to improve your natural body control over blood sugar. If you suffer from its levels, probably your doctor has already prescribed you physical activities. Of course, you need to add a strict diet, but jogging and running definitely have a positive effect.
These are just a few of the essential reasons why we have to do sports. If you are out of shape and run for a few minutes, you will probably feel like you are dying when you stop. But when you rest for a few seconds and catch your breath, it turns out that you feel not tired but toned. That’s just a minor example of how beneficial running is for your system.
Emotional Relief
Running has been scientifically proven to reduce cortisol levels, which is usually followed by a feeling of relaxation. In light of that, we can say that by hitting the trail, you lower the stress levels and psychological tension. In other words, running can perfectly neutralise the accumulated pressure after a hard day at work or an exhausting meeting.
Confidence Boost Improving the Mood
Like any sport, running can seem very difficult at first, especially if there have been centuries since our last exercise. Setting goals and achieving them is crucial for the progress of every individual in every aspect of life. However, if you are persistent with time, you’ll notice that becoming better at running is natural. These little victories will undoubtedly increase your self-confidence, which will inevitably be transferred to work and personal life. Moreover, you’ll feel a lot easier to stay in a good mood no matter the situation due to the increased levels of endorphins. These natural painkillers are the reason to feel more powerful after ending a long-distance run.
Effective Tool Against Calories & Overweight
The endurance type of run is the best way to burn unnecessary calories and keep your weight under control. Being overweight is a global problem, although many people continue to underestimate its impact on their lives. Due to its metabolically-demanding character, running helps your system create a calorie deficit. This is the first step to making your body actually burn fat and not muscle tissue. Official experiments show that this type of exercise has the highest rate of burned calories per unit (minute) time.
Social Side of Running
Besides helping you to preserve and improve your mental and physical health, running can be social as well. In almost every big city around the globe, you’ll find plenty of professional or amateur clubs and groups always looking for new members. Thus, youngsters and veterans can meet and share experiences or just run side by side. Those who aim really high can even take part in the longest endurance contests in the world, like the New York City Marathon or Paris Marathon.
In conclusion, we can say that no one has to convince anyone of the positives of running or doing sports in general. Simply, make a few training sessions, grit your teeth when you find it most difficult, and you will see how quickly the relief will come. Parks or even the neighbourhood alleys are perfect for an hour-long exercise every day. As with many other things in life, persistence is the key to success. With so many scientists supporting running, don’t you think it’s time to give it a try?